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Home Inspection Services
Specialized Inspection Services

Home Inspection Services

General Home Inspection

Click Here to Book Inspection Now : Embark on your journey to homeownership with confidence th... Read More

Pre-Purchase Inspection

Click here to Book Inspection Now: Before you take the plunge into homeownership, our Pre-Pur... Read More

Pre-Listing Inspection

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now : Maximize your home's potential in the competitive rea... Read More

New Construction Inspection

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Step into your newly built dream home with confidence,... Read More

Lead Paint Inspection

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Your family's safety is our top priority, and our Lead... Read More


Specialized Inspection Services

Sewer Scope

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Protect your investment from underground surprises wi... Read More

Termites and Pest Inspection

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Protect your home from unwanted intruders with our com... Read More

Pool and Spa Inspection

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Enhance your outdoor oasis with our comprehensive Pool... Read More

Irrigation Test

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Keep your landscape flourishing with our expert Irrig... Read More

5 Point Inspection

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Your time is valuable, and our 5-Point Inspection serv... Read More

Customized Inspections

Click here to Book Your Inspection Now: Your unique needs drive us, and our Customized inspect... Read More

Get in Touch

Ready to unveil the secrets of your potential property? Reach out to WM Home Inspections, where our holistic approach goes beyond the surface. Let's empower your real estate choices together. 

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